Made by Adam Croutworst

FLY - Find Your Sneaker's Worth

Delightful iOS app made in Swift using Xcode, Vision API, and AVFoundation. For design and prototyping, I utilized Sketch and Zeplin.

Built CoreML model using CustomVision to classify images of varying sneaker types. The goal is to train the majority of popular sneakers and determine a sneaker's worth just by quickly scanning.

App is in store review and waiting to post the app store link.

Key Insights: AI is fun and useful! Building CoreML models and leveraging real-time object detection.

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Kasarra - Sports

An iOS app made in Xamarin.iOS using Azure cloud (Azure SQL Server, Azure App Service), unit tests, and Visual Studio. Had to build, architect, and consume our own REST API from our website,, using ASP.NET Web API.

Key Insights: Fundamental understanding of creating and consuming REST API end-to-end.

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Jubil is a fun emoji keyboard iOS app made in Swift using Xcode, KeyboardExtension, MessageExtension, LocalAuthentication, and Firebase (Remote Config, Storage).

Key Insights: Jubil Emoji app helped me clearly understand IAPs and Facebook Paid User Acquisition thru FB events and Amplitude events in app.

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PapAR Toss

Fun iOS app made in Swift using ARKit. PapAR Toss was launched the same day as ARKit was available to public and garnered over 75,000 impressions in the first week.

This game is for all basketball enthusiasts.

Key Insights: Augmented reality development within a mobile device.

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Vital Signs: Track Blood Pressure, Measure Pulse, and Breathing Rate.

Vital Signs is an iOS app made in Swift using Xcode and HealthKit.

Key Insights: Leveraging HealthKit to monitor health metrics and further understanding of capitalizing market interests by segmenting features and performing ASO.

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Fake Buzzer Razor: Prank and Video Recording

Fake Buzzer Razor was an attempt to capture rising market attention through an iOS app made in Swift using Xcode, AudioToolbox (audio record), AVKit (video preview layer and video record), and Photos (camera write access).

Key Insights: Just a fun app to make!

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